Looking for enterprise resource planning for your company?

“Content Tattva is an ERP based start-up that offers Implementation, Upgrade, and Support services at an affordable cost.”

Our Services

Oracle ERP

Offers consulting services in Oracle, Microsoft and Open Source Stack.

Offers consulting services in Oracle e-business and Peoplesoft.

An ERP system integrates many business functions, such as financial management, human resources, sales, and manufacturing, to deliver benefits such as increased productivity and efficiency. ERP implementation describes the process of planning, configuring, and deploying an ERP.

An ERP upgrade involves transitioning from an older version of an application to a newer version provided by the same technology vendor.

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software system designed to facilitate the management of all aspects of a business, enabling automation and streamlining processes across finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement, and beyond. 

Education System

An inbox solution for schools to teach their material without the internet.

Provides IT resources all around the globe within 4-6 weeks.

We are working on AI/ML projects for Government and Retail customers. Click here to learn about our projects.

How We Work?

We follow Run the Business (RTB) to Change the Business (CTB) Strategy.

Run the Business to Change the Business Workflow

We align our strategies to your business’ needs.

Application to Business workflow

Our Execution Approach



We understand that each project has a different need, so we price projects based on how long it will take to implement them and how many resources we need. We offer two ways for our clients to use us: a time and Contract period or a Fixed-Price project. Call us to find out how much your project would cost.

Why Us?

25+ years of experience

100% customer retention rate

Worked with clients globally

Our Clients