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Winning an RFP: Key Strategies for Success


To grow your business, it's essential to demonstrate that your organization is the best fit for a given project. This is where submitting a compelling proposal comes into play. Here are some critical questions and strategies to consider to enhance your chances of winning a Request for Proposal (RFP):

1. Prequalify the Opportunity Realistically

Before diving into the proposal, ask yourself:

  • Do you have the necessary capabilities?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • How well do you know your prospective client and their needs?
  • Are you aware of the customer's budget?

If you're unclear on these aspects, your proposal might not yield the desired results. Interestingly, 80-90% of competitors may also lack this information. Gaining these insights could give you an 80-90% chance of winning. This probability increases significantly if you take the following steps:

A) Provide Comprehensive Details

  • Develop a Bid Response Plan: Assign roles such as bid owner, technical owner, commercial owner, and sales owner.
  • Follow Templates: Use the provided templates or formats in the tender document.
  • Structure Your Proposal: Ensure it aligns with the tender requirements.
  • Include Essential Details: Clearly, concisely, and precisely detail workflows, technical architecture, information flows, security measures, company profile, and capability statement.
  • Address Pricing: Provide the cost for each product or service, indicating whether prices are fixed or variable and outlining any conditions affecting the price.
  • Detail Delivery: Include delivery details, charges, and a proposed schedule with milestones or delivery dates.
  • Other Considerations: Mention if goods or services are periodic or recurrent, applicable taxes like GST, relevant insurances, intellectual property rights, and any proposed variations to the contract terms.

B) Address the Selection Criteria

  • Adhere Closely to Criteria: Ensure your proposal meets the buyer's needs. Highlight the benefits they will gain from your products or services.
  • Provide Evidence: Instead of making claims, offer specific examples that showcase how you meet the selection criteria. Highlight your credentials and verifiable experience, and explain how your approach will fulfill the buyer's needs.

C) Choose the Right Referees

  • Select Knowledgeable Referees: Choose referees familiar with your products or services. Obtain their permission and brief them on the RFP highlights to ensure their feedback aligns with the job specifications.

D) Proofread Your Proposal

  • Check for Errors: Use spell check and have someone outside the proposal development process review your submission for feedback. Ideally, hire a professional copy editor or proofreader. Ensure consistency if multiple authors contribute to different sections.

E) Submit Your Proposal on Time

  • Avoid Late Submissions: Late or incomplete submissions are generally excluded, except under exceptional pre-agreed circumstances.
  • Plan Ahead: Avoid last-minute submissions to prevent technical issues if submitting online. For postal submissions, account for potential delays and consider same-day delivery services or hand delivery, if allowed.
  • Crafting a quality, competitive bid is challenging and costly if your organization lacks the resources. Contenttattva can assist in creating high-quality bids at a minimal cost. We have experience managing bids from USD 100K to USD 100M, handling all aspects from prequalification to contract signing.

    Our strengths include:

    • Extensive experience in IT bid management.
    • Proven track record in winning IT bids.
    • Strict confidentiality.
    • Technical validation of your bid.
    • Expertise in accurate opportunity sizing.
    • Structuring responses as per RFP requirements.
    • Providing a neutral perspective on the winnability of opportunities.
    • Flexible commercial models.

    We offer RFP templates and simple request-for-proposal examples to guide you in the right direction.